Over the years, Claude Vuichard has developed several operational techniques that not only make helicopters easier to fly in a variety of environments, but also greatly improve safety during helicopter operations.
Probably the best known of the techniques he developed is the "Vuichard Recovery Technique," so named by Tim Tucker, Chief Flight Instructor of Robinson Helicopter Company, after Claude Vuichard demonstrated his technique during a Robinson Helicopter safety course in Neuchatel, Switzerland, in 2011.
Other techniques for slope landings have been developed, specifically designed for helicopters with skids.
Many helicopter accidents occur around the world due to a sudden loss of visual references. This can occur while hovering through snow or sand, during what is known as a white- or brownout, or during fast forward flight due to adjusting the speed too late. Techniques have also been developed for these occurences that will help significantly reduce accidents.
An important part of the flight training is the implementation and automatisation of Vuichard techniques in daily life.

Vuichard Recovery Technique
The previously taught recovery technique of escaping the vortex ring state by pushing forward doesn't work in most operational conditions. e.g.: during tailwind apporaches, you will never escape the VRS because by pushing forward you will follow the "bubble" to the ground.
To avoid all Vortex Ring State accidents the "Vuichard Recovery Technique" should be trained from the PPL on as the only recovery technique until it becomes a reflex when feeling a low-G at low speed. It is absolutely unsafe to have more than one technique in critical phases of flight!
How to avoid a VRS in helicopter operations
This educational video, part one of three, uses incredible animation and exciting footage to illustrate the three conditions necessary for a Vortex Ring State to build up. Special attention is paid to the different vortex ring state sectors in relation to the rotor disk load.The goal is for pilots to recognize the aerodynamic background of the Vortex Ring State at an early stage and thus prevent vortex accidents.
This safety video is a must for every helicopter pilot from beginners to professionals. Therefore, take your time to watch this video, as it contains an enormous amount of safety relevant information about VRS.
Vuichard Autorotation Technique
Helicopter safety expert Claude Vuichard demonstrates his autorotation technique in this video from the Vuichard Recovery Safety Foundation.
Safe Autorotation Seminar
IIMC/UIMC Vuichard avoidance and recovery technique
The safety video in cooperation with the Vuichard Recovery Aviation Safety Foundation, Loft Dynamics and Air Zermatt about a flight from VFR to IMC.
One of the most important safety challenges for helicopter pilots is recognizing critical meteorological situations leading to an IIMC/UIMC situation in order to land or to divert to an alternate site in time.
If, despite all precautions, an IIMC/UIMC situation should occur, know and practice the Vy 180° turn technique to put yourself in a position to fly again on another day.
Many accidents occur when landing on slopes. The Vuichard slope loading technique prevents all classic accidents during slope operations.
Vuichard Slope Landing Techniques
Many accidents occur when landing on slopes. The Vuichard slope loading technique prevents all classic accidents during slope operations.